South Italy,Vesuvius cycling tour, climbing mountain passes
Driving by car via Florence-Rome to Naples . From Budapest ~1500 km.
Short sightseeing in Florence and Rome by bicycle, if wished. Beside climbing Vesuvius , there are 8-10-12 maximum 17-20 montain passses or climbing destinations on For the weather is warmer in South Italy, it would be the best cycling in spring or autumn in stead of in the hot summer
774 San Firmano
42m GPS : 13.55039/43.36462 275m, level difference: 233m distance: 4km , average
5.8 %,Maximum 14.7% (Budapest -Ancona-San Firmano 13 h driving )
+ 1 h cycling
786 Blockhaus della Maïella Scafa via Lettomanoppello,Pass start altitude:100m GPS :
14.00375/42.26385, 2142m, level difference: 2042m, distance:29km,average 7 %
Maximum 12% , 1617 pont
A 25 Manopello
2 h driving+ 6h cycling
789 Abazzia di Montecassino Cassino 2h driving 1,5 cycling 41m GPS :
13.8317/41.49442,level difference:448m, distance:8.6 km, average 5.2%,
Maximum 23.1% 802 pont
791 Sella di Perrone Santa Maria delle Macchie 508m GPS :14.55925/41.47352 1261m
level difference: 753m, distance: 15.5 km , average 4.9 % Maximum 10.3 % , 544
1.5h driving, 2,5 h cycling
792 Monte Taburno Montesarchio via Cirignano 294m GPS : 14.63902/41.0629 1166 m,
level difference:872m , distance: 12.5km , average : 7 % Maximum 17.2% , 886 pont
1h15m driving 3 h cycling
IV. day
793 Monte Vergine Rivarano(Mercogliano) 409 GPS :14.74764/40.90714 1502 m
level difference: 1093m, distance: 14.7 km, average :7.4 % Maximum 22.9 % ,1343 pont
2,5h driving 3h cycling
794 Vesuvio
Torre del Greco start altitude : 20m GPS : 14.37814/40.79666 ,
1055m , level difference: 1035 m, distance: 12.3 km , average 8.4% Maximum 12.1 1868 pont, 1h driving , 4h cycling .
sighseeing by bike in Naeples „ after our king Luis the Great but not on horse back„
797 Monte Faito Castellamare di Stabia 18m GPS :14.4802/40.69533 , 1102 m level difference: 1147m,
distance: 12.2m , average 9.4% Maximum 14.4 0,5h driving, 4h cycling
796 Picco Sant'Angelo Positano (beach) via Colle di 34m GPS :4.49086/40.62764 478m,
level difference: 444m , distance: 15.9 km average : 2.8% Maximum 13.6%, 982
pont 1h driving , 1,5 cycling
vagy a 799 Monte Vulture Rionero start altitude :657m GPS : 15.670237/40.926418
1296 m,
level difference:639m, distance:6.3 km , average : 10.1 % Maximum 18.9 , 797 pont
3h driving
Options from Sorrento bay:
either 800 Monte Sacro e Gélbison Velina 11m GPS :15.26937/40.23202 1666m,
level difference: 1655 m , distance: 28.2 km, average : 5.9% Maximum 15.1% 1481
Velina 2,75 h 2.45 h from Positano Sorento bay
VII. day
or 801 Monte Armizzone Cogliandrino(Ponte in pietra) 681m GPS: 15.925462/40.094977
1280 m, level difference: 599m, distance: 13.5 km , 708 pont
perhaps the last km(s) gravel ??
802 Colle del Dragone Morano Calabro start altitude : 508 GPS: 16.13832/39.84346,
level difference: 1100m, distance:26.8km, average 4.1% Maximum 12.4% 845 pont
2.5h driving from road #800 from Velina 4h cycling
803 Serra di Tuono Sapri 4m GPS : 15.63337/40.06946 1153 m level difference.: 1149m
,distance:19.9km, average : 5.8% Maximum 22.7%, 1117 pont
The schedule is not the Holy Script, it can be modiffied on the spotIt is very tough. It can be that one destination must be shifted to the next day.
climbing Vesuvius the scedule can be shortened or extended depending on weather, budget etc.
~ 4000 km car driving , ~500 € fuel costs. That must be shared by the participants. Motor way tolls I am going to pay for.
On the way home wwe can climb some destinations in North Italy :
718 - Forcella Cibiana 1530 m
Ljubljana -Zagreb motor way - Budapest
Who is going to join us even for one day?